Salomé Vairet

Associate Lawyer

Salomé Vairet joined the firm in October 2023. Graduated from tax law and a specialized master's degree, and drawing on her formative experiences in leading French and Anglo-Saxon firms, Salomé specializes in transactional taxation, as well as in wealth taxation. She accompanies businesses and their managers, both in their relationships with The tax administration That in front of the administrative and judicial courts.

Languages : French, English

Les avocats du cabinet

Prêts à vous accompagner dans vos problématiques.

Pauline Corouge


Raphaël Piotraut


François Giné


Law at the service of Business,
and not the other way around.

The multidisciplinary nature of the firm makes it possible to offer global support to our clients. We integrate all the challenges and expectations of the various stakeholders in a case while maintaining the focus on the objective of our clients.